
Vodacom unveils low-cost Linux netbook | TechCentral

Vodacom unveils low-cost Linux netbook | TechCentral

This is great news, and I wish the effort described here the best! It indicates a *regional* and local strength and desire for Foss and OOo in particular. We see this, too, in Brazil, Spain, and throughout other European polities.

OOo is strong because local communities have taken upon themselves the tasks of localization, porting, distribution: engaging in the acts constituting Free and Open Source Software production. They are producers, that is, not simply consumers. Our community and strength grows as these add to the composite community making up OpenOffice.org.

And meanwhile, the application matures. Our monolithic architecture (always being refactored) makes it difficult for casual contribution to the core--all the code would necessarily have to be checked for unintended consequences, to give a hint--but our focus on developing the extensions architecture makes it indeed quite possible and even fun for such casual additions. So, just like Firefox, OOo can be expanded, new features added, capability extended through extensions. These are immensely popular, and their popularity is increasing as more millions download and use OOo in all languages.

Even Hungarian. This year, with pride and excitement, we hold our annual conference in Budapest. Why there? Because the Hungarian team submitted the bid that received the most votes and it received those because it was the best. So for this 10th anniversary of the Project, for this significant year, we find ourselves deeply honoured by the dedication of the Hungarian community: Thanks.

OOoCon begins 31 August and lasts several days. We invite you all to join us there.

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