

I have some news: I've left Oracle. But I have not left OpenOffice.org and so remain deeply involved in the project and in the promotion of the OpenDocument Format, or ODF. In fact, my focus, my efforts are strengthened by my newfound independence.

And the timing for this is good—for me, for the community, for the Project, for the ODF campaign. Decisions rolling tens of millions of dollars (and every other national currency you can count) into the future stand poised as the latest release, OpenOffice.org 3.3, is evaluated not just for what it can do now to replace the alternative (laugh) but how it will work with future technologies—like mobile devices, most obviously, but also in other sectors I invite the community to imagine and suggest.

We need to drive our vision of openness—open code, open standards—into a future that can be realized sooner than later. The ODF is not just about office documents, I've long held. (And what even really counts as an "office document"? Is a video embedded in a presentation a movie, a cartoon, or an over-the-top business presentation given by a marketing executive? There are no boundaries, only conventions.) The ODF is about standardizing the expression of data so that implementations from this or that vendor can work with the file. It's about, as we have long repeated, no vendor lock in. And that is a statement that defies time's passage, for an open standard is not owned by one company but maintained by a consortium. It is open to all, the future included.

Not all the work I want can be done on OpenOffice.org; not all is suitable for the Project and not all ought to be there. Focus is important, else nothing gets done. OpenOffice.org is about, well, OpenOffice.org and the technology that makes up the suite, which can, of course, always be extended. But, that immensely useful suite is but one, if key, implementation of the ODF. Many others support or fully implement it. More to the point, there is also, for the development of ODF support per se is done, the ODF Toolkit Union, or, if that is also not suitable, I have no doubt that some other host can be found that is. At this point in our maturity, there is no difficulty finding the right host.

I own an iPad and when my MacBook Pro crashed *twice* last year (logic board failure then total HD death and actual data loss; Apple was magnificent, btw, in recompensing me as much as it could), my iPad became my primary computer, and it did great. But I had real difficulty working with ODF files on it. In fact, I couldn't easily do it. I could use a virtualization app, but it was uselessly slow for writing and reading ODF files. Another app, FileApp Pro, was better for viewing files, but it also needed serious improvement.

So, last month, I contacted the company making FileApp Pro—I do this sort of thing all the time, contact companies working on ODF or OOo technology (another one I contacted, much to my delight, it turns out, was the Norwegian Open Framework Systems, as, or OFS.no, which has a quite brilliant Web app that expresses by default data in ODF; they have since joined Oasis, which maintains the ODF, and will participate in the upcoming 5th ODF plugfest to be held in Maidenhead, UK, not far outside of London, this 24-25 Feb.). After some busy pauses, Vic, of DigiDNA, got back to me and explained the problems his lead engineer faces in creating an editor for ODF on the iOS. (An ODF editor for Android is also under development, and I've previously blogged on it. I invited the developers to the ODF plugfest, but they have not replied yet. Let's hope they do and can in fact make it. Certainly, they ought to. As well, at last year's Budapest OOoCon, where we held another plugfest, Nokia demonstrated an ODF editor for the N900. Do you have one of them? Does anyone? I don't, but if someone wants me to examine it, and write shill-worthy praise, I can supply my postal address.)

I'll shortly be sending the note DigiDNA sent me on to developers--even posting it to this blog will be a start, I'd imagine. But here's the issue: DigiDNA does not have the resources and is not the right company to make such an app. Its focus is on rendering file formats, and it does that very well. (FileApp Pro is worth the money.) But editing is another thing altogether. I'm not suggesting plunking OOo on the device. You don't need to. I am saying that one can have a minimal editor of ODF files that could be saved in ODF or even in .txt. OOo (or any other suitable implementation) can do the rest.

Who would use this app? Let's start with schools. And let's go beyond that. As more and more government offices migrate to ODF, or think about it, they also think about how mobile devices will work with their plans. Everyone knows that the future—the now plus one day, really—is mobile. Desktops will stay, of course, just as the TV is still around, despite the Internet. Mobile devices will complement desktops; they already are (see my own story above). But I'd guess that many government buyers are thinking, when they consider the ODF, "Where's the mobile solution?"

I think we some collaborative effort we can give a good answer---to this, and to other such questions. Some of the work will fit within the OOo project, other won't. But it and all the related work answering the future needs to be done, and I am eager to get to it.


  1. Good luck in your new life...

  2. Congratulations for your independence :)

  3. maybe bespin>skywriter>Ace could save to odf ?

  4. I had a N900; a *very* *very* nice phone/computer.
    When Nokia began to cozy up to M$ and rumors began to fly about them adopting Phone 7, I ebayed it for a Nexus 1.
    Since the N900 was released with the Fremantle-based Maemo OS, Maemo has been abandoned, to be replaced with Meego, and Meego has been abandoned for Phone 7.
    I'd love to write shill-worthy praise; but that time has past.

  5. Ah the N900, I have a N800, was considering the N900 until I heard about NXX going toward Windoze and Maemo being replaced with Meego on the NXXX. To add insult to injury, every N800, N880 and even N770 app should have been ported to the N900 platform before its release date, there would have been well over 500 apps, if Nokia had done that on Day 1.

    Personally I think they bet the farm on Symbian and lost. A friend of mine reminded me that Nokia had a 3/4 year head start on a Linux compatible OS for hand-helds prior to Google releasing Android. They squandered their lead by focusing on Symbian...its sad.

    Is your hardware smart?

    This is why it is so important to have a 'smart' device that is open (configurable) so when a company like Nokia dumps your solution for their solution, you can install another Linux solution and continue on your merry way with minimal interruption, without purchasing new hardware.

    Besides you spent your hard earned money on the device, therefore you should be able to do what you want to do with it, period.

    No Root access = Dumb Device! (Spread the truth)

    Not all Android proprietary dumb devices allow root access...avoid them, do NOT PURCHASE unless you have full root access.

    Also helps if the chip-set is not proprietary as well...not every Android compatible chip set is open, some are proprietary.

    Make sure some proprietary company does not send you down a technological proprietary blind alley, for your own sanity's sake.

    There are full blown Linux hand-helds that do not lock you in, purchase those, enjoy Freedom and innovate!

  6. It's certainly desirable to have ODF formats available on the iPad and other iOS devices. It's actually rather unfortunate that Apple left no room for copyleft licenses in their App Store, though. So, according to Apple's way of doing things (i.e., as long as you don't "jailbreak" the phone), there can be no GPL program, such as a subset of OpenOffice.org code, for the iPad or other iOS devices.

    For me, the fact that Apple tries to insist on maintaining sole administrative rights on their iOS devices is an absolute deal breaker. I have no interest in any of those devices. I want to be the administrator of my hardware, and I don't want to have to "jailbreak"/"root" the device to get what I should already have available in the first place.

    Nokia is actually hedging its bets with the Microsoft deal. It was specifically stated in the announcement that the deal with Microsoft was non-exclusive and Nokia could still ship another operating system if it wanted to.

    In fact, Nokia also said that they plan on going ahead with MeeGo as well. They played it down and characterized it as "an open operating system project," but it's really a way to keep their options open. If they do great with WP7, then MeeGo phones may remain an interesting alternative for their geekier customers. If they don't do great with WP7, you may see more and more MeeGo devices as time goes by.

  7. Have you checked out QuickOffice? I am using it to view and edit .odt and .sxw files that I have uploaded to google docs.
