
fosdem 2010

I missed last year's but was here two years ago, in Brussels, during winter, only without the broken hip. Fosdem is intense, exciting, great. The focus is on presentations, dsicussions that have an effect, that are not just speeches. In our case, this means the OOo developers present (and there are a lot) are going around meeting others and discussing OOo's technology and file format (the ODF) and how to contribute. (Today there is also a meeting of the ODF crew at 14:00, which I will be participating in. And that field--the ODF--is also immensely interesting.)

More later.....

Oh, cool data--so cool I wonder how much we can believe it.

See: http://www.webmasterpro.de/portal/news/2010/02/05/international-openoffice-market-shares.html

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