
ODF's doomed mission to break into Microsoft Office • The Register

A good article by Gavin Clarke of El Reg on MSFT's "support" of ODF in Office 2010. All the more reason to push ahead with normalization standards, so that essentially bogus claims by vendors of support can be seen for what they are.

This is not really about open source, though it is apposed to it. It is about open standards and about giving consumers, regardless of size, might, force, power, the confidence to use any application claiming support for a standard without the fear that it won't work as it ought.

I guess a version of this issue is that associated now with generic medications: the branded versions claim superiority and according to a Times article not long ago, there are seeming differences. But if the drug is the same regardless of the wrapper or added elements, and if it is the drug or whatever substance at heart (code, here) that is the effective agent, then it ought not to make a difference what it is called or branded. It either works or it doesn't.

Same with ODF.

ODF's doomed mission to break into Microsoft Office • The Register

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